Friday, January 29, 2016

Two Prophecies seldom Mentioned (Part 2 of the Abominations of Desolation)

Two seldom mentioned prophecies

Dan 12:11, and 12.
11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

In last week’s bible study we went over the 1260 day prophecy and discovered its beginning and end dates of the prophecy, and all the historical events that distinguished those dates. We saw the connection of the fourth beast in Daniel 7 to that of the first beast in Revelation 13. They are very similar, but the latter seemed to have grown larger and more powerful than the first beast from Daniel. These beasts represent the same thing, but in two different stages of earth’s time.
            The Beast in Daniel was described as the one that would rise up from the earth and gain power to rule and commit abomination and create desolation of the earth. This beast made war with the saints and thought to change times and laws for a time, times and a half (1260 prophetic days, or literal years).
            Now, the beast in Revelation 13 was said to also have received power and ruled the earth; he committed abomination against the Lord, and brought desolation upon the earth while making war against the saints. Like that of the Beast in Dan 7, the beast of Rev 13 also was given power for 42 months, or 1260 literal years.
            These two beast from Dan 7 and Rev 13 represent the same earthly power: Papal Rome, or Roman Catholicism. The beast in Dan 7 was the description of the beast before the ending of the 1260 days were complete. The papal power first became recognized in 538 A.D. as being a religious and governmental power. Exactly 1,260 years after 538 A.D., the Papal power was overthrown by Napoleon’s Army when General Berthier took the pope captive and threw him into prison in the year 1798. Thus, the beast received its deadly wound and the 1260 day prophecy was fulfilled. However, that same power represented by the beasts was returned to power after 1798 and its deadly wound was healed. Again, Papal Rome was given power and is said that he will go and make war against the saints and will rule over the earth again. The beast after the 1260 days is much more powerful than before when it grew to power between 538 and 1798. This is the time that we are in now where the beast is rising to power and preparing for the final conflict against the Lamb of God.
            Note: During the 1260 years it was said that the Woman in Revelation 14, which represent the People of God, was flown into the wilderness to be nourished for a time, times and a half, or 1260 prophetic days. During the persecution that Rome afflicted God’s people with through the 1260 years, God nourished and kept His people through the whole time. The Everlasting gospel was carried through that time of trouble into our day. The same faith of Jesus was kept alive into our day. Now, in the last time of trouble, God will strengthen and nourish His people to carry forward the everlasting gospel unto the end of the earth. May we be willing and ready to do just that.

            Now that our memory has been refreshed on the last 1,260 years, let’s figure out what the two times mentioned in Daniel 12:11 and 12 are.

Dan 12:11, and 12.
11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

So, here we have the following:

  •      1290 days (Or literal years using a day for a year conversion from Ezekiel 4:6)
  •         1,335 days (or years)

            These two time periods mentioned above are related to the 1,260 years that we talked about last week. Read verse 7 of Dan 12 and you will see.

Daniel 12:7
7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

            Question is, when do these two time begin, and when do they end?

            It says in the verses above that when the daily sacrifices are taken away, that is when the abominations that maketh desolate were set up, is that referring to the midst of the last week of the 70 when the Sacrifices and oblations were made to cease? Therefore, did the 1290 days begin near the end of 70 weeks?

Well, that is not likely because Christ did not take away the daily sacrifice, instead He became the sacrifice; He fulfilled it and it was no longer necessary. The work in the Heavenly sanctuary was just beginning. And we already determined that the 1260 days ended when the abomination that maketh desolate was made to cease in the year 1798, so this 1290 day prophecy obviously did not begin in A.D. 31 when Christ was crucified. 

Perhaps this prophecy is marking the exact starting point of the setting up of abomination of desolation? 

Since the Abomination that made desolate was to last until the beast received its deadly wound, that means that the 1290 days ended the same time the 1260 days ended, in the year 1798. Now, by using reverse math we can define precisely what year the 1290 days (or literal years) began. Are you following me?
            1798-1290= the year 508 A.D.

(Note that the beginning of the 1260 day prophecy was not when the abomination of desolation was set up, but rather was when the fourth beast in Dan 7 received its power. That was in 538 AD when the papacy became a recognized government. The actual beginning of abomination of desolation was thirty years prior in 508 A.D.)

What happened in 508 A.D. that could be the reason for beginning the prophecy?
Most history books say very little about the year 508. Yet one significant event stands out. In Europe, one of the major events of that year was the conclusion of the war between Clovis, king of the Franks (later France), and the Visigoths, whom he defeated and pushed into Spain.

Who was Clovis, and who were the Visigoths?

“Clovis (c. 466-511) was the first King of the Franks to unite all the Frankish tribes under one king. He also introduced Christianity. He was the son of Childeric Iand Basina. At age 15, he succeeded his father, in the year 481.”
The quote above says that Clovis was a Christian, but if you read Wikipedia (which is a popular online encyclopedia that leans toward an influence to Catholicism), you will find that Clovis was noted for his conversion to Catholicism.
Clovis was, most certainly, a catholic king. He aligned his views with that of the Roman Catholic Church and thus made war in the name of Rome to conquer for him. In 508, Clovis defeated the Visigoths, marking a notable victory for the Roman Church.

            Who and what are the Visigoths?

The Visigoths were a branch of the nomadic people of Germany known as the Goths. They were considered barbarians practically. Though, some of the ways of the Visigoths may have seemed barbaric, the Visigoths, like many of the Goths, did not believe the way that Rome did. In fact, many of the Goths were not pagans, but actually real Christians, keeping some of what the Apostles had taught the churches before that time. Thus the reason that Clovis made war with the Visigoths was because they rebelled against Rome and the papal rule. In the ultimate battle fought between Clovis, King of the Franks, and the Visigoths, it was actually an ultimate showdown between Catholicism and the free believers of Christianity.
When Clovis won the battle against the Visigoths in A.D. 508, this terminated the united resistance against the development of the papacy. The Bishop of Rome had gained a theological victory over the known world.
Now, do you see the importance of the date 508? 

What about the daily sacrifices, weren’t those supposed to be taken away at the beginning of the 1290 days as well?

The "daily" represents Christ's mediatorial ministry in the holy place in the heavenly sanctuary. It represents the continual work of Christ ministering in the sanctuary not made with hands, where He entered with His own blood to make intercession for His people.

So, how could Rome take away the Daily Mediatorial Ministry of Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary?

Well, first of all, they took away the freedom of Religion and began oppressing all who believed in Christ and His true ministry, and the Roman Catholic church set up the confessional system where sinners would only need to confess to priests or bishops to receive forgiveness, instead of seeking the only one who could forgive and take away sins—Our High priest, Jesus Christ. In this manner the Roman Catholic Church, which is represented by the beasts in Dan 7 and Rev 13, took away the “daily sacrifices” and set up the “abomination that maketh desolate… (Dan 12:11). Thus, the freedom of Confessing directly to Christ was taken away starting 508 to 1798.

Do each of you understand, now, the importance of the date 508 as the beginning of the 1290 days?

What about the 1335 days?

Since we know the beginning point of the 1290 day prophecy, it can be assumed that the starting point of both the 1290 days and the 1335 days began at the same time. If we add 1,335 years to the year 508 A.D. what do we come to? If the 1335 years began in 508, when did it end?

The year 1843, amen?
 Surprised? Isn’t the sure word of Prophecy in Scripture so amazingly specific, clear and absolutely true?
Praise God for this gift.

Why, again, was 1843 so important in biblical prophecy?

In 1843 the good news of the Advent of Christ was beginning to be proclaimed in all the earth, and the freedom to accept it and believe it was for all. Of course, 1843 may seem so long ago, but considering the many years that led up to 1843, it was not that long ago. Again, all the prophecies mentioned above did in fact come to pass before or at 1844. That means we are in the earths final days. We are indeed in the time of probation. We are each being judged by God to know if we are worthy to be sealed by His mark or not. Oh, that we may earnestly search our hearts and study the word to ensure we are faultless before God, and completely grounded in His truth so we can stand unmoved in the time of trial and affliction. Amen.


 The 1260 days began when the Papacy became a recognized government and religious power in the year 538, and the prophecy ended when the Beast received it's deadly wound by the hand of Napoleon's army in 1798. The 1290 day prophecy began when the Abomination of desolation was set up in 508 AD, marked by the Victory of Clovis over the Visigoths in the fight of Papal Rome against Christianity. At that time the Papacy became the enforcer of her ways, and in a sense, she took away the daily sacrifices by replacing Christ with Idols and men.
The 1335 days began the same time as the 1290, and ended in 1843, which was marked by the Advent message and everlasting Gospel being proclaimed in a great awakening.
Now, we receive signs for our time to know that the time is short.
Let us lift up one another in truth and Righteousness and strive to be ready to stand for the truth, unmoved in the time of affliction. Let us lean and rely completely on Our Father in heaven.

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